6 Potty Training Tips to Use This Summer
June 3rd, 2022

6 Potty Training Tips to Use This Summer

Summer is a great time for potty training – the weather is warmer, it’s easier to give your child fluids and there aren’t several layers of clothing to navigate when your child needs to use the potty.

It’s usually easy to tell when your child has reached potty training age. If they have started showing interest in the transition, are keen to sit on the potty, and tend to wake up dry from naps, then it’s probably the perfect time to start this journey.

There are so many different ways to potty train your child and what works for one parent won’t necessarily work for another. However, there are certain tips that you can keep in mind as you navigate this process.

Helpful Tips on How to Potty Train This Summer

  1. Pick the Right Training Pants - Having the right training pants can make a difference to your potty training experience. During the day, reusable training pants are more ideal because they feel different to diapers. Let them pick out some new training pants to wear during the day to make them feel like a “big kid.” Using training training pants that won’t leak are the best option for the evenings.
  2. Find the Right Potty - Parents really have their pick of the bunch when it comes to choosing a potty. Don’t overthink it though – a potty really doesn’t need too many bells and whistles. It’s always better to find a potty that allows your child to focus on going to the toilet and not much else. Some potties have a toilet paper roll, which can be a handy feature but it’s best to keep it simple and similar to a real potty so the transition can go smoothly.
  3. Plan for Problems - Not every bathroom session is going to go smoothly, which is why it helps to have additional products such as the JoySpring stool softener and constipation remedy on hand. When your child is learning to use the toilet, do what you can to make it a pleasant experience for them.
  4. Make it a Rewarding Process - This is a big change for your child and there will be accidents along the way, but making this experience more enjoyable using rewards helps push the process along.  A reward for going in the potty can be a prize bag or even a chart with stickers and stars. Linking the potty to something positive is a great way to get them to adopt this new routine. Potty training girls and potty training boys will require a different approach in terms of rewards, so give it a little thought and decide what your little one will respond to.
  5. Let them Learn By Example - Allowing your child to go to the bathroom with you will allow them to learn by example. Another great way to help instill this new routine is by getting them to teach one of their dolls or stuffed animals how to use the potty.
  6. Try Not to Control the Process - Trying to force a child to do something is not a tactic that works very well.  It’s difficult for some parents to step back and not control this process, but this new routine has to be something they feel comfortable doing. It’s ok to ask them whether they need to use the potty but it’s best not to force them to sit on the potty if they don’t feel they need to. What you can do is get your child to drink water or juice knowing that they will need to use the potty in about 30 minutes. This can help give you some control over the process but also gently move your child into this new routine.

Potty training toddlers is all about finding a rhythm that works for you and your child.