July 20th, 2022

What Are the Best Brain Foods for Kids?

Are you noticing that your child is having difficulty focusing, or perhaps you just want to make sure you are providing them with all the nutrients they need to succeed in learning spaces? If you are hoping to help your child do better in school, their diet is a great place to start. 

Keep reading to learn more about the best brain foods for kids as well as some ideas for making these foods more kid-friendly in this guide. Make sure you are providing your child with the nutrition they need to succeed during their school day while keeping them healthy. 

Skip the Sugar

While sweet treats are likely something your child loves, it's important to understand the role of sugar in your child's diet. When it comes to processed foods such as certain cereals, sodas, sports drinks, juices, and deserts, the amount of sugar can add up fast. For this reason, it's best to check the nutritional facts of the snacks and beverages you give your kids to make sure that their sugar intake is not higher than what is healthy. 

Sometimes, when looking at the nutritional value of these products, finding the sugar content can be tricky. Looking for words such as dextrose and high fructose corn syrup can help you locate sources of sugar in certain products so that you can manage your child's nutrition. 

Eating Eggs 

Not only are eggs an excellent source of protein that every child needs as they grow, but egg yolks are also rich in choline which attributes to memory development. Thankfully, there are many ways to prepare eggs for your kids in nutritious ways that they will not get sick of.

Make eggs for your children's breakfast, or send them with a breakfast sandwich or wrap. Some kids may find it fun to do breakfast for dinner every once and a while as well, making for an easy dinner for parents. 

Peanut Butter Power 

Peanuts and peanut butter are great food for kids, as they are full of protein, thiamin, and Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. This antioxidant helps to protect the nervous membranes in the brain. Thiamin works to assist the nervous system and brain to use glucose for energy so that your child can stay fueled and engaged. 

Luckily, most kids enjoy the taste of peanut butter, and it can be added to their diet in tons of easy ways. Making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, or substituting jelly with bananas is a great way to pack your child an easy, protein-packed school lunch. You can also make this a snack by using peanut butter as a dip with apples. 

Whole Grains and Oats 

Whole grains provide glucose, which the brain needs a constant supply of. This is because the fiber in whole grains allows for the release of glucose into the body to be regulated. Additionally, they also have Vitamin B which helps to nourish the nervous system.

It's easy for parents to find whole-grain products for children, such as whole-grain cereals. You can identify whole-grain cereals by making sure it's the first ingredient listed in the nutritional value. Switch out your chips, bread, wraps, and tortillas for whole-grain options as well. 

Oats are also a great grain for the brain as they are loaded with fiber. Encourage hot oat cereals for your child's breakfast before school to fuel and energize the brain. Oats are also full of B Vitamins, Vitamin E, zinc, and potassium, all of which help with brain and body function

If you want to make oats more enticing for your child, try topping them with something sweet, such as applesauce, honey, bananas, or dried fruit. Oats can also be added for texture in smoothies, pancakes, muffins, or granola recipes. 

Brainy Berries 

Berries such as blackberries, strawberries, cherries, and blueberries are all a great sweet treat and snack option for children as they have high levels of Vitamin C and antioxidants. When shopping for berries, note that the more intense the color, the more nutritious the berry is. These berries are said to help with memory while berry seeds are a good source of Omega-3 fats. 

It's likely easy to get your kids to eat these sweet fruits as a snack, but you can also add them to foods like yogurt or salads for a little extra vitamin boost. 

Colorful Veggies 

Veggies are an essential part of every diet, but the more vibrant or bold-colored vegetables can be great for brain health. Vegetables like tomatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, and spinach are great sources of antioxidants that assist with keeping the brain cells strong and healthy. However, it's no secret that getting kids to eat these veggies is not always easy. 

If this is the case with your child, try solutions, such as making your own baked sweet potato fries. You can also conceal tons of different veggies in soups, sauces, and smoothies. 

Supplement These Brain Foods for Kids 

Do you have a hard time getting your children to eat these brain foods for kids, or maybe you just want to make sure you're supplementing your child's diet with the vitamins they need? If so, we have a great solution for you. 

Checkout Genius Drops along with tons of other amazing products for your child. These drops can easily be added to your child's favorite beverage or taken alone to help them with focus and attention.